Minutes of Annual Meeting
Pillette Village Business Improvement Association
February 22, 2024
In Attendance: Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac, Danielle Ramsten, David Duke, Terry Yaldo, Dianne Beck (via phone) and Bridget Scheuerman
Regrets: Constable Surjeet Gill
- Constable Surjeet Gill Presentation
- Constable Gill was unable to attend.
- Bridget gave a report of her meeting with him.
- Constable Gill is suggesting a Coffee With Cops event at one of the local restaurants.
- Jo-Anne thought that a meeting with Constable Gill and all of the businesses would be a good idea.
- We could also invite Windsor Police to be a part of our Street Sale
- If we do an event with Windsor Police, who is paying the expenses?
- Approval of Minutes
- Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to accept the minutes of the previous meeting.
- Financial Reports
- Bridget gave the following financial report:
- Bank Balance as of January 31, 2024 $19,326.89
- Deposit for Permit Refund $1,000.00
- Deposit of balance of 2023 Operating Budget $2,511.43
- Outstanding Cheque balance $2,865.84
- Balance after all transactions $19,972.48.
- Bridget reported that the HST reports have been completed and we will be getting a rebate of $1,250.43 for 2023.
- Motion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to accept the Financial Report. Passed.
- Annual Meeting Summary
- The annual meeting was quite successful. We had new businesses and property owners in attendance and some good discussions took place. The 2024 Operating Budge was approved.
- It was explained that we would be having our next Annual Meeting for 2024 in November, rather than taking it into the new year to coincide with the new BIA Governance.
- Events for 2024
- Bridget presented a list of events for 2024 from the City so that we could make a good decision as to when to have the Street Sale. It was determined that the Street Sale would be held Saturday July 27th 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Cut off for applications will be the end of June, exact date to be determined.
- Open Streets will be taking place September 22, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Bridget will communicate with the City to get the parameters of the event and what is expected of us as a BIA.
- Update: City Parks & Rec are waiting for the Traffic Control Plan. The goals of Open Streets is on the City Website. It is important to provide activities that will draw people and have them stay for a short time. People will be moving from one Hub to another across the City. People are expecting a unique experience in the area. Wyandotte will close at 9:00 a.m. and reopen at 3. It is expected that all activities should be shutting down no later than 2:00 p.m. to allow time for Windsor Police and the City to reopen the streets safely. Some ideas that have been suggested are Artists setting up, artwork in action, workshops from various businesses regarding their products. Health Unit has to be contacted regarding any food that is served outside, other than a patio that isinfront of a restaurant. No alcohol is allowed on the road, only within a specific approved patio.
- Marketing
- David will continue with the monitoring of the website, adding new businesses, and business information as it is forwarded to him.
- He added new businesses and removed another.
- Terry asked how the social media/website is doing. David said it is slowly growing.
- Capital Works
- Jo-Anne gave an overview of the situation with street calming and indicated that it is stalled and basically has disappeared. Looking at the Vista project on Riverside Drive and this will cause a lot of traffic on Wyandotte and it would not be a good time to reduce traffic lanes on Wyandotte. Businesses cannot lose any parking so the bike lanes are out and another route is needed and being investigated.
- Jo-Anne is concerned that there is nothing to slow the traffic and we need money for traffic calming. Traffic Engineering is working on alternatives and will be bringing it forward, hopefully in the next could of months.
- Looking for a new bike route from Ganatchio Trail to Strabane. Create a bike route from Ford City to Pillette. Putting bollards in the middle of streets, pedestrian crosswalks are things to consider. Not sure of what will be coming forward from Traffic.
- There are other tools that can be utilized and we will have to wait to see that Traffic Engineering will present.
- Diane said that speed bumps would slow traffic down.
- Traffic will be diverted from Riverside Drive to Wyandotte this Spring and next Spring.
- Stefan is trying to find another supplier for the Capital Works project. Another design was discussed so that we can move forward with the project, due to the fact that the previous supplier went out of business. Bridget will communicate with Stefan of the Planning. Dept.
- New/Other Business
- Need a maintenance person for this year. The person has to be able to pull weeds, sweep the sidewalks and keep alleyways clean. A second person will water the plants/trees and keep them weed free and trimmed (plants only with the trimming). Terry has someone to do the watering and weeding of the planters. It was stated that the property owners are responsible for the grassed areas near their property. Terry said he could send out his part time staff on occasion.
- Grandmamas Delight is now open.
- Bridget asked about letterhead design. David can do a basic design. No need for printing as it is rarely used. Keep file ready.
Meeting Adjourned