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BIA Meeting Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting November 14 2024

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

November 14, 2024


In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, Diane Beck, Terry Yaldo, David Duke, Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac and Bridget Scheuerman

Absent:            Councillor Ed Sleiman


  1. Approval of Minutes
  • motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the minutes from the previous meeting. 
  1. Financial Report
  • Bridget provided the following Financial Report:
  • Bank Balance as of September 27, 2024, $8,017.06
  • Deposit Permit Refund $1,000.00
  • Deposit 2nd Installment of Operating Budget $18,477.97
  • Deposit Insurance Rebate $16.20
  • Total after deposits $27,511.23
  • Outstanding cheque total $3,614.15
  • Balance after outstanding cheques $23,897.08
  • Capitals Works balance $56,800
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to approve the Financial Report as presented. 
  1. City Committee Audit
  • Bridget provided an explanation regarding the current City Committee Audit.
  • The City has hired an outside consultant to review the City Committees which includes all nine BIAs.
  • The auditor is looking at procedures of the various committees to see if they line up with recent Governance which was adopted by City Council in 2023.
  • The auditor is reviewing minutes of meetings, methods of decision making, review of constitution, decision making process, meeting procedures and financial decision making, etc.
  • The audit will take about three months and at the end a 26-page report will be going forward to City Council with suggestions, recommendations, etc.
  • Jo-Anne stated that the committee member training still has not occurred and may not until after the conclusion of the audits of City Committees.
  1. Capital Works
  • Bridget provided an update and indicated that she has had two meetings with the Planning Department, but the person she met with will be returning to her original position in Parks & Rec.
  • Bridget will contact Neil Roberston, Executive Director of Planning & Development to find out who will be replacing this individual and get the project moving forward.
  • It was suggested in the last meeting with Planning that measurements and locations for address banners needs to be established and that the contractor AngelStar would be the best one to do this work.
  1. 2025 Events
  • We will do the Street Sale again but will put in back into August after we establish which date Ford City BIA will be holding their annual event Dropped on Drouillard.
  • For the Street Sale, those registering will have pay with their registration.
  • David will also be adding a map online, so that those registering will know exactly where they will be located at the time of registration.
  • It was suggested that we designate a corner for artists and a Bike Clinic was also mentioned.
  • As well, we could try to get a caricature artist.
  1. Marketing
  • David has changed Sherwell information as requested.
  • He has added YouTube Channel and LinkedIn.
  • Diane feels we need to promote more on Facebook. David will boost $5.00 per business. Danielle said we should send out an impact with the boots.  Get business feedback following the boosts.  David asked how far to boost, and Terry suggested to narrow it down to the Walkerville to Tecumseh area.
  • David said he was starting to do some stuff on Instagram, tagging, etc.
  • Terry started a WhatsAp for the BIA and the businesses can be added by requesting through Terry. Good opportunity to let people know what is happening in our business community.
  1. New Business
  • Diane asked if we would decorate for Christmas, and she will do the decoration.
  • We need volunteers to do this.
  • New business is Kush City (Big Vape is gone).

Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting October 17 2024

Pillette Village

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Annual General Membership Meeting

October 17, 2024

Nancy Johns Gallery & Framing


  1. Welcome
  • Terry welcomed everyone and thanked them for their attendance at the meeting and did a brief overview of the meeting.


  1. Approval of 2023 Minutes of Annual Meeting
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Nancy to approve the Minutes of the 2023 Annual Meeting.


  1. Financial Report
  • Bridget provided the following Financial Report:
  • Bank Balance as of September 27, 2024 $8,017.06
  • Deposit Cheque for Permit Fee rebate of $1,000.00
  • Deposit Cheque for 2nd installment of 2024 Operating Budget $18, 477.97
  • Balance after deposits $27,495.03
  • Balance of Outstanding Cheques $2,274.84
  • Balance after outstanding cheques $25,220.29
  • Balance of Capital Works project $56,800.00
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Nancy to accept the Financial Report. Passed.


  1. Capital Works Project
  • Bridget provided an update on the Capital Works Project.
  • We are now in Phase 2 of the project.
  • Letters were sent to all property owners to secure their consent to attach the building banners to their properties. The response has been slow, but we are going to proceed with the number that have agreed.  Business owners were encouraged to communicate with their landlords to get their permission to attach the address banners to each building.
  • Angelstar is the company who will be manufacturing the banners for both the buildings and for the post banners that will run along Pillette and be installed in the median in the 4400 block and on the poles in the 4900 block. It would appear that the median at the 4900 block is too narrow to install banner poles.
  • Bridget will be meeting with the new person in Planning to get the project moving.


  1. 2025 Operating Budget
  • The 2025 Draft Operating Budget was reviewed line by line and opened to questions.
  • The 2025 Operating Budget will exceed the previous $40,000 figure by $124.50. This is a small increase given the fact that many of our expenses have gone up by large amounts, i.e. Insurance coverage increased over the past two year by $200, Audit fees increased $800, maintenance increased by $2.50 per hour and outside vendors that we use have increased their prices.
  • A Motion was put on the floor to approve the 2025 Operating Village at $40,124.50.
  • Motion by Nancy to approve the 2025 Operating Budget as presented, seconded by Danielle.  All were in favour.  The motion passed unanimously.
  • The Operating Budget will now be sent to the city.


  1. Marketing
  • David Duke was unable to attend the meeting.
  • Diane indicated that Instagram can share posts. We will have David contact Diane.
  • Nancy asked about replacing the banner that is on the side of a building on Pillette. The banner has been there for over 7 years and is starting to fade.


  1. Events for 2025
  • Terry indicated that we had two events this year, Street Sale and Open Streets.
  • Nancy said Open Streets went well. She would like to have a bike valet for the next Open Streets.  Could be located at Hawkins parking lot.  Could have goodie bags as well.
  • Diane said if vendors were spread out too far people will not stop, but when closer people will stop.
  • Have an agenda in advance of the event.
  • Have to get people off their bikes.
  • City survey was sent and offering to do every year.
  • Sandra got good results and continues to gain customers.
  • Terry indicated that the purpose of these events is to get people to know about our BIA.
  • Sandra will do a customer appreciation day on January 19, 2025 and will be doing a raffle and other prizes. Have the businesses give something that could be won as a prize.  Everything will be put in a basket and the basket given away to the raffle winner.
  • Last year Nancy bought gift cards from Marcuterie and gave them to her customers.
  • Marlena suggested a passport.
  • Diane asked how Leap Physiotherapy did during Open Streets. Sean said that he could have done more and he will for the next event.  He felt it went great.
  • Terry mentioned about the low vendor turn out for the Street Sale. Next year we will have vendors pay when they register and that will help to keep them as vendors if they have already paid.
  • It was great to see the businesses out for Open Streets.
  • Nancy said her artists loved the event.
  • Diane suggested that vendors order their lunch when registering and get lunch boxes from Marcuterie.
  • We will be going back to August for the Street Sale.


  1. Confirmation of the Board of Directors
  • Terry indicated that we are looking to increase the number of Board Members and if anybody is interested to let us know now or in the future as the year progresses.
  • Motion to Confirm the Board of Directors was made by Nancy and seconded by Marlena.


  1. New Business
  • Nancy mentioned that cigarette butts are being thrown on the sidewalk by Tall Tide Tattoos and homeless people are picking them up and smoking them The BIA will send an email asking that businesses not leave cigarette butts on the sidewalk, but provide a can to dispose of the butts and dispose of the butts.
  • Nancy indicated that the person in the apartment above allegedly stole something out of her van.
  • Sandra got her car window broken.
  • Nancy has installed a camera at the back of her gallery. There were other various things that have been taken.  Nancy keeps her door locked for safety and it also provides the opportunity to greet customers when they ring the bell.
  • Sandra indicated that you have to be careful at night , particularly in the alley.
  • Terry suggested starting “What’s App” for the businesses.
  • Nancy suggested putting a sign at your door indicating that you have surveillance in place.  She puts a “Security One” banner at her door every night.



Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting Oct 10 2024

Pillette Village

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

October 10, 2024

In Attendance:  Danielle Ramsten, David Duke, Terry Yaldo and Bridget Scheuerman


Regrets: Diane Beck, Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman


  1. Approval of Minutes
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.


  1. Financial Report
  • Bridget presented the following financial report
  • Bank balance as of August 30, 2024 $11,425.59
  • Total of outstanding cheques $6,770.98
  • Balance after cheques $4,654.61.
  • Capital Works balance $56,800
  • Pending Deposits $1,000.00 City of Windsor Permit refund 2nd Installment Operating Budget $18,000.00 Total pending $19,000.00
  • Pending Balance $29,391.45


  1. Open Streets
  • Very positive event and feedback.
  • It was suggested that we put seats where the bands are playing to keep people in the area longer.
  • Have bike racks situated at Hawkins Parking Lot.
  • Have sign to indicate where the water was being distributed.
  • Provide an agenda with timed events.
  • Think about adding Buskers or other street entertainment.
  • Gave out about 400 bottles of water that had our logo on them.
  • Add signage to indicate where activities are occurring and these should be at both ends of the BIA.


  1. Capital Works
  • The second phase is well underway and Bridget has a telephone call scheduled with the Planning Department tomorrow to get things moving.


  1. Water Cart
  • Repairs not update as yet. Hope to get it fixed by the Spring.


  1. Annual Meeting
  • Will be taking place Thursday, October 17th, 6:30 p.m. at Nancy Johns Gallery and Framing.
  • 2025 Operating Budget will be presented.
  • Notice has been sent out to property and business owners.
  • Bridget will order refreshments.
  • Terry with provide beverages.


  1. Marketing
  • David will redo Sherwell on website as requested.
  • Still cannot get information on new bakeries and hair salon.
  • Businesses are being promoted as usual.
  • We highlight our businesses more than other BIAs.
  • Linked In was suggested as a new platform, and David will set this up and include Danielle and Terry and will check with Diane.
  • David suggested adding You Tube. He will also set this up.


  1. New Business
  • Bridget will be attending SSNAPP Neighbourhood Safety Plan.
  • Terry indicated Our Riverside contacted him about advertising for Christmas. We are weak in retail so we would not benefit for such advertising.
  • Danielle joined the Chamber of Commerce Board. Danielle will get information about going into partnership with the Chamber and the BIA.


Meeting Adjourned


Next Meeting Thursday, November 14, 2024 Hawkins Accounting 4:00 p.m.

Board of Directors Meeting Sept 12 2024

Pillette Village

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

September 12, 2024


In Attendance:  Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, Councillor Ed Sleiman, Diane Beck, David Duke and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets:   Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac


  1. Approval of Minutes
  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the minutes of the previous Meeting. Passed.
  1. Financial Report
  • The following Financial report was presented:
  • Bank balance as of August 30, 2024 $11,425.59
  • Total Outstanding Cheques $1,034.14
  • Balance after cheques $10,391.45
  • Capital Works Balance $56,800.00
  • Pending Deposits 2nd installment of 2024 Operating Budget $18,000 and reimbursement of Permit fee $1,000.00
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial report.
  1. Open Streets
  • Jazz Cats will be playing.
  • David did some research for chalk artists and there was only one in London and that would be costly.
  • David is arranging for the printing of labels for the water bottles.
  • Danielle has ordered paint brushes and supplies for rock painting
  • Bridget is ordering chalk, paint and other supplies to use on the 48 x 48 canvases.
  • Terry has ordered cases of water to give out to the participants
  • David has been updating social media and doing a count down to the event.
  • David will look into a tablecloth with our logo, banner and postcards.
  1. Capital Works Update
  • Information was sent to property owners, but the response has been slow.
  • We are awaiting the new contact person from the Planning Department so that we can proceed.
  • It was determined that we should proceed with the number of property owners who have given permission to have the address banners placed on their buildings.
  1. Watering Cart
  • Parts are still needed to make the repairs.
  • Diane is concerned that the trees are not being watered enough as some are showing signs of dehydration.
  • Terry will get Christian to water the trees more.
  1. 2025 Operating Budget
  • The 2025 Operating Budget was discussed line by line and concerns expressed that services and products that we require have gone up in price.
  • We will be dipping into the reserve to meet costs.
  • There will be a slight increase to the operating Budget for 2025.
  • The Budget will be sent to all business and property owners and will be brought forward at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday, October 17, 2024 for discussion and approval.
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the 2025 Operating Budget. Passed.
  1. Marketing
  • David referred to the work done on Open Streets and he continues to highlight businesses on a weekly basis.
  1. New/Other Business
  • There was a robbery at Nancy Johns Gallery when she was loading her car from the shop.
  • Important to be vigilant when loading and unloading.
  • Two planters, a garbage can and bike rack are missing from in front of the former Playdium. This could be due to the construction that is occurring at this location.  Lester Construction was doing some work on the building.  Terry will provide a contact for Lester Construction.
  • Wyandotte Pizza is gone, and the name has changed to Bestmates Eatery, on the southwest corner of Pillette and Wyandotte.

Meeting Adjourned

Next Meeting Thursday, October 10, 2024, 4:00 p.m. at Hawkins Accounting


Board of Directors Meeting Aug 8, 2024

Pillette Village

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

August 8, 2024


In Attendance:  Terry Yaldo, David Duke, Danielle Ramsten, Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac and Bridget Scheuerman

Absent: Diane Beck and Councillor Ed Sleiman


Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to accept the minutes of the previous meeting.

Financial Report

  • Bridget provided the following financial report:
  • Balance as of June 28, 2024 $22,890.45
  • Deposit Revenue from Street Sale $1,060
  • Balance after deposit $23,950.45
  • Total of outstanding cheques $11,025.55
  • balance after outstanding cheques $12,924.90
  • Capital Works balance owing $56,800
  • Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to accept the financial report.
  • Bridget indicated that the Financial documents had be picked up from KPMG after the completion of the yearly Audit.

Open Streets September 22, 2024

  • Diane Clinton has artists who could participate.
  • Danielle is looking for a mural artist to do the side of their building. So far they are stuck on finding the right subject matter to suit the area, their business and the building.
  • David will be demonstrating Comic sketching/art.
  • Jo-Anne suggested that we talk to Erie Street BIA about some ideas.
  • Information will again be sent to the businesses to see who wants to participate.
  • It will require visits to the businesses to talk about Open Streets and the Capital Works project.
  • Terry suggested a special meeting on Open Streets the week of August 19th.
  • The BIA will have a table at Open Streets and will be giving out bags.

Capital Works

  • Packages were mailed to all property owners within the BIA and now we have to wait to see who will agree to have the Address/Name Banners placed on their buildings. Without the permission of the building owners, we will not be able to attach the banners.
  • When received the business owners will then be contacted to ensure accuracy in their name that will go on the banner that will be attached to the building.

Water Cart

  • Terry reported that it still needs to be repaired. He is hoping the this will be done in the next couple of weeks.


  • Bridget gave an overview of what has been happening with the person doing the maintenance. There appears to be a misunderstanding as to number of hours to be worked
  • Terry explained that we have had a lot of rain, and this has reduced the need for a worker.
  • Terry feels four days a week and 3 hours each day is sufficient.
  • In the future we should not guarantee the number of hours and cap it at 12 hours per week, and working will depend on the weather.
  • A lawnmower/trimmer/blower has been purchased.
  • Jo-Anne suggested having year-round maintenance. We will be looking into the costs.

Street Sale

  • Total revenue from the Street Sale was $1,060.00.
  • We had a lower turn out this year and a number dropped out or did not respond once they signed up.
  • Next year we will be setting up payment online and those applying will be required to pay when they sign up, with refunds only if the event is cancelled. Bridget indicated that she did not want the payments going through her account anymore.
  • We could offer an early bird special.
  • Jazz Cats Band raised $130 for CIBC and the BIA will top that up to $200. Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to top up the donation to $200PassedMotion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to pay $400 to Jazz Cats for playing during the Street Sale.  Passed.
  • This year’s vendors were happy with the turnout and would come back next year.
  • We have purchased tables for those vendors who do not have them and the vendor would be charged to rent the table. These tables would be available on a first come first serve basis, and all others would be required to provide their own table.
  • Danielle suggested that we have a table during the Street to promote the area, and that we get T-shirts with the BIA Logo.
  • We will change the information on the website to indicate that you have to register, pay the fee and be approved, following which each vendor will be notified that they have been accepted. If vendor is not accepted their money is refunded.


  • Bridget was contacted by the Insurance Company that we have to stipulate what the contents part of the insurance is used for and the location. It was determined that the contents of the storage locker would suffice for this requirement.


2024 Operating Budget

  • Bridget indicated that the City has changed when the Operating Budgets have to be received, which would require us to establish our Operating Budget for 2025 in September, hold the Annual Meeting in early October and submit it to the City by November 5th.
  • Therefore the 2024 Annual Meeting will be October 17, 2024 and we will require a venue to hold the meeting. 


  • David indicated that a hair salon and Lawyer’s office wants him to take pictures, inside and out, for the website and wanted to know who would pay for this. Danielle stated that the Small Business Centre will do this and David can suggest that to them and any other business requiring this service.
  • David stated that Social media is a bit slow, but progressing.
  • He continues to feature businesses weekly.

There be no new or other business the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting, Thursday, September 12, 2024, 4:00 p.m. Hawkins Accounting

Board of Directors Meeting July 11, 2024

Pillette Village

Minutes of Annual Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association
July 11, 2024

In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets: Diane Beck

Absent: Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman

Approval of Minutes

Motion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

Financial Report

  • Bridget provided the following financial report
  • Bank balance as of May 31, 2024 $23,485.45
  • Outstanding Cheque total $2,982.94
  • Balance after cheques $20,502.51
  • Capital Works Balance $56,800.

Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report Passed.

Water Cart

  • The water cart has broken down.
  • Terry got a new battery.
  • New pump may be needed and that will be $450 plus shipping and taxes.
  • Will try a less expensive pump and install it.
  • Waiting to hear from Riverside about their water cart for parts.

Street Sale

  • Not going well. Some vendors have dropped out.
  • Terry suggested buying tables instead of renting them from Festival. We could then use them for other events and save money in the long run.  Terry will order ten tables and he has chairs that he can bring for the sale.  Danielle said that we could store the tables at Hawkins Accounting.
  • Diane’s band is playing during the Street Sale.

Marketing  David was not available due to his residential move.

Capital Works

  • Bridget gave a report indicating that AngelStar Graphics has designed the address and pole banner and we now have to determine how many will be needed. Bridget will get a listing of the property owners from the City
  • Ask Stefan if we can put on east median which appears just outside of the BIA boundary.
  • Notices will be going out to the property owners to get permission to adhere the business address banners to the buildings.
  • Will also be going out to the business owners, once we have heard from the property owners.

New/Old Business

  • Terry stated that Christian is doing well with the maintenance. There is not enough work for 20 hours.  We should look at the budget and see if we have enough to pay him for the 20 hours, so that we can apply for the $2,000 rebate.  There may be other grants available next year.

Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting June 13, 2024

Pillette Village

Minutes of Annual Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association
June 13, 2024

In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, David Duke and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets: Diane Beck, Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman

1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

2. Financial Report

  • Bridget gave the following Financial Report
  • Bank Balance as of May 31, 2024 $23,485.45
  • Total of outstanding cheques $1,272.14
  • Balance after outstanding cheques $22,213.31
  • Capital Works Balance $56,800

3. Capital Works Project

  • Bridget reported that she and Stefan met with Angelstar to view the address and banner prototype developed by Angelstar.
  • The prototype was identical to the drawings provided by the Planning Department.
  • There were concerns that it might be too big, so the sample will be installed on one of the buildings to see if it needs to be downsized.
  • Lou from Angelstar will do a costing for the project and asked for the number of businesses that will require a sign. Bridget will send him the total number of business within the BIA.
  • We need to also clarify if the same type of banners will be going along Pillette.
  • We questioned how the business names would be changed should a business leave the area, and Lou indicated that it will be a peal and stick where the business name would go.

4. Street Sale

  • We have 55 vendors who have applied for the Street Sale.
  • Terry stated that an email should be sent to those requiring tents to see if they need a table.
  • David brought Posters and post cards for distribution and left them with Danielle.

5. Open Streets

  • Still awaiting information from the City and confirmation of logo, etc.

6. Marketing

  • There is a new business above 4661 Wyandotte called Belle Vie Beauty Lounge. So far they have not responded to requests from David for information about their business or contact information.
  • Marketing continues in the same fashion and numbers are growing
  • Businesses are encouraged to send information to David that he put through social media

7. Wyandotte Lane Reduction

  • Terry attended the Council meeting and spoke on behalf of his business as well as for the BIA and indicated that we were not in favour of the lane reductions, but very much in favour of traffic calming.
  • Council did not approve the lane reduction.

8. New/Other Business

  • Our Maintenance person Chris Grey is working out very well.
  • There are still no flowers in the planters and Bridget will check with Parks to see when the plants will be installed and also the concern about the tree in front of McDonalds appears to be lifting.
  • Diane asked for Chris to work the day after recycling as there is a lot of debris after pickup.
  • Playdium Bowling has closed permanently. Terry suggested that we give some recognition to Mariano for their long standing presence within the BIA. This can be done at the Annual Meeting.

Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting May 9, 2024

Pillette Village

Minutes of Annual Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association
May 9, 2024

In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, Diane Beck, David Duke and Bridget Scheuerman

Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to approved the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed

Financial Report

  • Bridget provided the following Financial Report
  • Bank Balance as of March 28, 2024 $40,157.07
  • Deposit HST Rebate for January to June 2023 $394.22
  • Outstanding Cheque Balance $16,884.99
  • Balance after outstanding cheques $23,666.30
  • Capital Works Balance $56,800
  • Bridget indicated that the 2023 Financial Records have been submitted to KPMG for Audit.
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report.

Open Streets

  • Have City send Open Street Logos to David.
  • We need to determine the cost of the canvases for the two sites where visitors can paint on the canvas. Suggesting 48 x 48, but will check with Nancy Johns.
  • David will do an art demo.
  • Jazz Cats bad will be playing.
  • We need to get as many businesses as possible to participate.
  • City will be taking care of the advertising and Marketing, but we should do some for our areas as well.

Street Sale

  • Poster is ready and will be distributed after next Board meeting.
  • We will be getting 40 printed and asking the businesses to post in their establishments.
  • David has not done on line advertising, but will start now to get more vendors.
  • Update: The vendor list has soared past last year and now stands at 59.


  • David reported business as usual.
  • Is updating and reposting as information is received.
  • Social Media is getting bigger. Closer to numbers of other BIAs.
  • Getting more responses.
  • Businesses are promoted twice a week.

New Business

  • Bridget mentioned about the new recycling schedule and the need for business to apply to continue to get their recycling picked up. A question was asked about the apartments above the businesses and this has to be checked out.  Diane and Bridget may deliver letters, but not until almost the deadline.  Letter should be sent out by mail.  Update: Bridget talked with the organization in charge of this recycling and was told that the businesses had already been contacted and should know about the need to register.  They will also be putting a sticker on recycle bins the last pickup prior to May 24th.BIA sent out two emails to businesses as soon as we were advised.
  • Maintenance – Bridget will contact Terry Cloutier at Community Services to get a maintenance person.
  • Watering has not started, but will tomorrow or Saturday.

Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting April 11, 2024

Pillette Village

Minutes of Annual Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association
April 11, 2024

In Attendance: Terry Yaldo, Danielle Ramsten, Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac, Diane Beck, Constable Surgeet Gill and Bridget Scheuerman

Absent: Councillor Ed Sleiman

1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

2. Windsor Police

  • Constable Gill gave an overview of his experience with Windsor Police. He has been with the force for 17 years and is working in the Community Services Branch on the Health Unit Project and is the Neighbourhood Resource Officer for Pillette Village.
  • He is willing to attend Ward meetings and our Board Meetings when available.
  • He is suggesting a Coffee with Cops as a means to get the neighbourhood to know Windsor Police. Also suggested was a Community Safety Walk with Barry Horrobin to determine if there are any outstanding issues which could be addressed to ensure the safety of the community.
  • He will be visiting the businesses on a daily basis. He asked if we do a community clean up and if there had been any noticeable spike in crime.
  • There are a number of agencies available to assist. There is a Police with Registered Nurse Program in place as well a Community Resource Team (police and social worker).
  • Jo-Anne indicated that it is important that the businesses have a number to call. The non-emergency number for Windsor Police is 519 258-6111. It was suggested that the Community Services number be given to businesses. Coffee with Cops would be paid for by the host.
  • Terry suggested sending an email to businesses about what Community Services does.
  • Diane asked if increased patrols are occurring at night. Constable Gill indicated that the responsibility for assigning police cars lies with Patrol. He stressed that it is important for businesses to report all incidents and that is what drives police attention and increased patrolling.
  • Jo-Anne will bring it up at the next Police Board meeting.

3. Financial Report

  • Bridget gave the following financial report
  • Bank Balance as of March 28, 2024 $40,157.07
  • Deposit for first HST Rebate Cheque (July to December 2023) $860.15
  • Balance after deposit $41,017.22
  • Outstanding Cheque $12,140.62 Balance after cheques $28,876.61
  • Capital Works Account Amount Owing $132,000.00
  • Initial Deposit Made $67,400.00, Payment April 9 $10,600 Balance $56,800.00
  • Pending Deposit Second HST Rebate Cheque $392.16
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report. Passed.

4. Capital Works Project

  • Stephan from Planning will be talking with Angelstar to get a quote on the second phase of the project.
  • We may have to change the design. Waiting to hear back from Stephan.
  • The total costs may go up and we will have to pay more.
  • It was suggested that Stephan come to another meeting and if necessary, make changes and this has to be done as soon as possible.

5. Open Streets September 22, 2024

  • Jo-Anne asked if we could get the businesses to put murals on the backs of the buildings. We would have to get permission from the building owners, and it is a big project. Diane indicated that in the past Tarik has refused to have any murals on his buildings. We could talk with Michelle at Parks to see what would be involved.
  • We will be sending out notices to the businesses to get involved in Open Streets.
  • A theme that was suggested was Artists’ Alley.
  • It was suggested that we get Mark Lefebvre (stilt man) to participate.
  • Activities would include having large canvases available for visitors to paint a section and leave their mark.
  • A children’s activity corner would be established.
  • We will be asking David Duke to do a comic illustration demonstration.
  • The businesses would be asked to participate by showcasing their specialties. It is important to get as much participation as possible to create a Hub that will draw people and have them stay, but more importantly have them return after Open Streets.
  • Businesses will be asked to provide their suggestions on what they want.

6. Traffic Calming

  • Jo-Anne said that speed notices are posted from Lauzon going West along Wyandotte Street. Speed notices are permanent and only one is mobile. These notices collect data on speeding.
  • Traffic calming is being worked on. It is coming back to Council and each BIA has to decide what they want to do about it. There are a lot of people who do not want traffic to slow down.
  • Administration will be bringing forward the original plans and it will be a Council vote.
  • The Vista project form Ford Blvd. east will be going on for two years and traffic will be directed up to Wyandotte.
  • Delegations have to go to Council with their views on traffic calming. .When other items are being done, traffic items for Wyandotte can be worked on at the same time.

7. Street Sale

  • Bridget indicated that Costco has asked if they can participate in the Street Sale. This was discussed and it was determined if they are going to come and sell memberships, that they would not be allowed to set up a table. Bridget will contact Costco.
  • We should have a Pillette Village table.

8. New Business

  • Terry asked about the Ontario Power grant. Bridget indicated that they no longer give out grants.

Meeting Adjourned

Board of Directors Meeting March 14, 2024

Pillette Village

Minutes of Annual Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association
March 14, 2024

In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, David Duke, Diane Beck, Terry Yaldo and Bridget Scheuerman

Regrets: Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman

Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

Financial Report

  • Bridget provided the following Financial Report:
  • Bank Balance as of February 29, 2024 $20,650.04
  • Deposit 50% of 2024 Operating Budget $20,000.00
  • Outstanding Cheques $1,170.53
  • Final Monthly Balance $39,479.51
  • Terry asked if we could have a running total of the Capital Works budget included in the monthly report.
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the monthly report. Passed.

Events for 2024

  • The Street Sale will be held on Saturday, July 27, 2024, 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
  • Set up time will begin 8:00 a.m.
  • There will be no rain date.
  • Current businesses within the BIA do not have to pay for a table, but must register through the website and indicate number of tables (maximum of two paid by the BIA).
  • Open Streets will take place Sunday September 22nd, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • Some ideas are being considered for events within Open Streets.
  • Awaiting information from the City.
  • Ideas being considered are passport where stamps are collected to win a prize.
  • There will be a meeting called with the businesses to discuss how the event will be take place, within the parameters set up by the City.
  • Bridget will be attending a meeting with Parks & Recreation on April 8th.
  • We will need Marketing information from the businesses to indicate what they plan for that day and also for the Street Sale.


  • Ongoing promotion of the area continues and information added as acquired from our businesses.
  • Please send in any information about promotions, sales, etc. to David.
  • David wants to do the printing of the directory and Street Sale once all information has been updated.
  • David asked if we are going to do a boost for the ads regarding the Street Sale and Open Streets and it was indicated that this should be done.
  • We will be posting concerts and events that occur at Reaume Part on our website.

Capital Works Project

  • There has been little progress with this project as Planning continues to secure a vendor for the second part of the project.

New/Other Business

  • Bridget is moving and wanted to know if the mailing address should stay with her or be within the BIA. It was determined that the address should stay with her and she will make the necessary address change at the time of moving.


Meeting Adjourned