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Pillette Village Business Improvement Association

Board of Directors Meeting

May 24, 2023

In Attendance:  Danielle Ramsten, David Duke, Terry Yaldo, Diane Beck (by phone) and Bridget  Scheuerman

Guests:  Frank Bourdon, Amica and Ryan Hooey & Joe, CNIB

Regrets: Councillors Jo-Anne Gignac and Ed Sleiman


  1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Danielle and seconded by Terry to accept the minutes of the previous meeting.


  1. Introduction of Guests:

  • Terry welcomed our guests Frank Bourdon from Amica and Ryan Hooey and Joe from CNIB.
  • Frank gave an overview of Amica and how they wanted to become involved with the business community. They would like more exposure for Amica and the opportunity of getting their residents out.  Currently they take their residents on outings to Food Events, and other events via a Transportation bus.  It was suggested that the local businesses offer promotions for the once weekly bus trips.  The residents are primarily independent.  Amica offers care and support and have a nurse and doctor on site.  They would like to be a participant in the upcoming Street Sale.  David asked if we could do a survey within Amica to see what the residents are seeking from the shops and what activities they are looking to attend.  Frank indicated that they are thinking of putting in a Bocce Ball court.
  • Ryan Hooey has been with CNIB for five years and is looking to see how they can partner with Pillette Village. They have had Guide Dog programs for the past five years, which are fully funded and see the dog is cared for by CNIB from a puppy to retirement, including Vet bills. They are developing a guide dog arena and technology programs to help unsighted people to set up their own computers, etc.  It costs $50,000 for one guide dog from puppy to retirement.  They also have a Buddy Dog program which is covered as well, and Advocacy in Transit and lots of other programs.  CNIB sees 100% of the donation going directly to CNIB, to support all the programs.  Ryan will put something together for the Street Sale.  David asked about donation boxes.  Ryan indicated that as they do not have a volunteer base it is hard to establish the program, as it requires volunteers to collect the money from the various locations.  A lot is done online.  David suggested a QR code at each business.  Ryan said that would only be for Guide dog program.


  1. Financial Report

  • Bank balance as of April 28, 2023 $85,011.41
  • Total for outstanding cheques $3,719.95,
  • Capital Works Fund $54,000.00
  • Available funds $27,302.46.
  • Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report. Passed.




  1. Street Sale

  • The sale is set for Saturday, August 19, 2023 from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
  • The fees will be $30 if the vendor has a table and $50 if the vendor requires a table.
  • Tents will be sent up in the Hawkins parking lot on a first come first served basis and the fees will be $75.00 for the space.
  • There will be no tents or canopies allowed on the sidewalks along Wyandotte Street or Pillette.
  • David is set to go live with the information and we will be doing postcards, posters and other printed materials.
  • We will be giving postcards to the businesses to hand out to their customers.
  • The site will launch Friday, May 26, 2023.
  • Terry suggested an early bird special next year.
  • Closing date for vendors will be July 31, 2023.
  • Donations to CNIB.
  • It was suggested that we get someone to donate a food item that could be sold, i.e. lemonade stand, popcorn, etc. with all proceeds to CNIB.


  1. Parking Lines

  • This item was discussed and it was indicated as we are not part of the City’s Parking Fund, we would not be able to get the lines painted and that the BIA would have to incur the cost.
  • Bridget will contact the Traffic Department to determine how much it would cost to have the parking lines painted within the BIA and report back.


  1. Marketing

  • David asked about ideas for the vacancies within the BIA and suggested that he will talk to a Real Estate contact that he has to get information on the vacancies.


  1. Riverside Magazine

  • Terry reported that Our Riverside Magazine is starting and wanted to know if we wanted to advertise.
  • David asked if we would get a cut in the price if we did the art work.
  • There is a launch party upcoming for the first magazine.
  • Terry will follow up.


  1. New Business

  • Spring Planting: Bridget contacted the City and they will be planting in the pots and there is someone in place to do the watering. There are also workers doing the maintenance work throughout the BIA.
  • Insurance:the Insurance has been renewed until June 2024.
  • Meeting dates: it was determined that Thursday would be the best day for the meetings, and would be scheduled for the second Thursday of each month at 4:00 p.m. Frank indicated that Amica could host a meeting.
  • Board Members: We are looking to increase the size of the Board and would welcome business and property owners to consider being a part of the Board.


Meeting Adjourned