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Minutes of Annual Meeting

Pillette Village Business Improvement Association
April 11, 2024

In Attendance: Terry Yaldo, Danielle Ramsten, Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac, Diane Beck, Constable Surgeet Gill and Bridget Scheuerman

Absent: Councillor Ed Sleiman

1. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.

2. Windsor Police

  • Constable Gill gave an overview of his experience with Windsor Police. He has been with the force for 17 years and is working in the Community Services Branch on the Health Unit Project and is the Neighbourhood Resource Officer for Pillette Village.
  • He is willing to attend Ward meetings and our Board Meetings when available.
  • He is suggesting a Coffee with Cops as a means to get the neighbourhood to know Windsor Police. Also suggested was a Community Safety Walk with Barry Horrobin to determine if there are any outstanding issues which could be addressed to ensure the safety of the community.
  • He will be visiting the businesses on a daily basis. He asked if we do a community clean up and if there had been any noticeable spike in crime.
  • There are a number of agencies available to assist. There is a Police with Registered Nurse Program in place as well a Community Resource Team (police and social worker).
  • Jo-Anne indicated that it is important that the businesses have a number to call. The non-emergency number for Windsor Police is 519 258-6111. It was suggested that the Community Services number be given to businesses. Coffee with Cops would be paid for by the host.
  • Terry suggested sending an email to businesses about what Community Services does.
  • Diane asked if increased patrols are occurring at night. Constable Gill indicated that the responsibility for assigning police cars lies with Patrol. He stressed that it is important for businesses to report all incidents and that is what drives police attention and increased patrolling.
  • Jo-Anne will bring it up at the next Police Board meeting.

3. Financial Report

  • Bridget gave the following financial report
  • Bank Balance as of March 28, 2024 $40,157.07
  • Deposit for first HST Rebate Cheque (July to December 2023) $860.15
  • Balance after deposit $41,017.22
  • Outstanding Cheque $12,140.62 Balance after cheques $28,876.61
  • Capital Works Account Amount Owing $132,000.00
  • Initial Deposit Made $67,400.00, Payment April 9 $10,600 Balance $56,800.00
  • Pending Deposit Second HST Rebate Cheque $392.16
  • Motion by Diane and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial Report. Passed.

4. Capital Works Project

  • Stephan from Planning will be talking with Angelstar to get a quote on the second phase of the project.
  • We may have to change the design. Waiting to hear back from Stephan.
  • The total costs may go up and we will have to pay more.
  • It was suggested that Stephan come to another meeting and if necessary, make changes and this has to be done as soon as possible.

5. Open Streets September 22, 2024

  • Jo-Anne asked if we could get the businesses to put murals on the backs of the buildings. We would have to get permission from the building owners, and it is a big project. Diane indicated that in the past Tarik has refused to have any murals on his buildings. We could talk with Michelle at Parks to see what would be involved.
  • We will be sending out notices to the businesses to get involved in Open Streets.
  • A theme that was suggested was Artists’ Alley.
  • It was suggested that we get Mark Lefebvre (stilt man) to participate.
  • Activities would include having large canvases available for visitors to paint a section and leave their mark.
  • A children’s activity corner would be established.
  • We will be asking David Duke to do a comic illustration demonstration.
  • The businesses would be asked to participate by showcasing their specialties. It is important to get as much participation as possible to create a Hub that will draw people and have them stay, but more importantly have them return after Open Streets.
  • Businesses will be asked to provide their suggestions on what they want.

6. Traffic Calming

  • Jo-Anne said that speed notices are posted from Lauzon going West along Wyandotte Street. Speed notices are permanent and only one is mobile. These notices collect data on speeding.
  • Traffic calming is being worked on. It is coming back to Council and each BIA has to decide what they want to do about it. There are a lot of people who do not want traffic to slow down.
  • Administration will be bringing forward the original plans and it will be a Council vote.
  • The Vista project form Ford Blvd. east will be going on for two years and traffic will be directed up to Wyandotte.
  • Delegations have to go to Council with their views on traffic calming. .When other items are being done, traffic items for Wyandotte can be worked on at the same time.

7. Street Sale

  • Bridget indicated that Costco has asked if they can participate in the Street Sale. This was discussed and it was determined if they are going to come and sell memberships, that they would not be allowed to set up a table. Bridget will contact Costco.
  • We should have a Pillette Village table.

8. New Business

  • Terry asked about the Ontario Power grant. Bridget indicated that they no longer give out grants.

Meeting Adjourned