Pillette Village Business Improvement Association
Board of Directors Meeting
October 12, 2023
In Attendance: Danielle Ramsten, Terry Yaldo, Diane Beck and Bridget Scheuerman
Regrets: Councillor Jo-Anne Gignac, David Duke
Absent: Councillor Ed Sleiman, Peggy Winch
Approval of Minutes
- Motion by Danielle and seconded by Diane to accept the minutes of the previous meeting. Passed.
Financial Report
- Bridget provided the following financial report
- Bank Balance as of August 31, 2023 $75,952.78
- Deposit of balance of vendor fees from Street Sale $145.00
- Outstanding Cheque total $5,513.12
- Balance after cheques $70,584.66
- Capital Works commitment $54,000.00
- Available Funds $16,584.66
Motion by Terry and seconded by Danielle to accept the Financial report.
Our Riverside Magaine
- Discussion took place about whether to do a single or double page presentation within Our Riverside Magazine.
- The single would involve designing the banner and having it at the top and portions at the bottom with 9 local merchant ads between. The ads would be paid for by the merchants.
- The double would involve a short description of the BIA and would have 18 ads paid for by the merchants.
- The price for the single would be $300 plus HST to be paid by the BIA and the price for the double would be $800 plus HST paid by the BIA.
- The merchants ads would be $170 plus HST each.
- It was decided to go with the one page and have David design the banner.
Marketing Quote
- Terry feels the pricing of the items that was quoted by GraphiX is too high for the tote bags and pens.
- Danielle is concerned with the quality of the tote bag. We do not have a sample.
- Diane feels we should support our local businesses within the BIA.
- David thought we could give them out at Christmas with an invitation to the Annual meeting.
- During this discussion Diane called Graphix and asked for samples of the various kinds of tote bags and prices. Graphix will get samples in for our review.
- We have received some good feedback from the businesses with regards to the new planters and trees.
- Bridge indicated that she was advised that nothing can be put on the trees in the way of decorations, i.e. lights, bows, etc.
- It was suggested that we could look into getting garland to put around the top of the planter and that would not affect the trees.
- Bridget will check with Planning to see if this is allowable.
- Diane feels that some of the trees are quite tall and very close to hydro lines.
- If garland is allowed, we will price garland, lights and bows.
- Diane asked David how he decides to highlight each business, and David indicated that he puts the businesses in categories, starts a list and goes down the list and checks each one off, and then restarts once all are done.
- We need to develop a flyer. Prior to that we should update all the contact information for the businesses as there have been some changes in the last few months.
Debris/Weeds in Alleys
- We have received complaints about excessive weeds and debris in the alleys. Terry will have his workers clean up the alleys.
- It was noted that property and business owners are responsible for the upkeep of the alleyways behind their property. BIA will initially clean and then the responsibility will be with the property and business owner.
- Business owners who do not own the property should be getting in touch with the property owner to discuss cleanning of the alleys.
- Parking was discussed due to the fact that a new business owner is parking behind her building. It was noted that parking is available in the Municipal lot on the corner of Pleasant Place and Pillette and business owners should be parking there.
New Business
- A short discussion on the installation of cameras. This is a costly venture, but some research can be done at this time to determine pricing.
- Tall Tide Tattoos has moved into 4739 Wyandotte.
- Marcuterie has moved into 4685 Wyandotte.
- Diane and Bridget are having lunch with Ryan Hoey of CNIB to present donations collected from the Street Sale. The lunch will be at Louis.
Next Meeting Thursday, November 9th, 4:00 p.m. at Hawkins.